Hear from our members and their amazing experiences…

Whether you are new to gestalt language processing or a seasoned professional, you will walk away from The GLP Program with confidence and joy, ready to be a better communication partner to your gestalt language processor.

Meet Gayle

She is the mom of a gestalt language processor who shares about her experience and transformation as a result of The Great Language Partner Program. We are so proud of Gayle and all she has been able to achieve as she advocates for her son!

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

Meet Amy.

Amy is a speech-language pathologist who came into The GLP Program already confident in her ability to support gestalt language processors. Amy has a private practice where she works predominately with GLPs and AAC users. Amy shares that even though she is already experienced, she learned a lot from the program and would highly recommend it for anyone who wants to more deeply connect with their autistic gestalt language processor. Thank you for being here, Amy!

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

Mom of a GLP:

“You are the kindest soul for offering me this course for free. I am not exaggerating when I say that you have changed my family's life and most importantly my son's life. I fully support you and have never come across a speech pathologist like you in my entire 20 year career in educating children with Autism.”

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

Meet Laura

Laura is the mom of a gestalt language processor who shares how transformative The GLP Program has been for her. She shares that one of her favorite parts is the workbook as it has been practical and super useful for collaborating with her child’s entire team in order to inspire even more communication progress!

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

Meet Raeann

Raeann brings a unique perspective as the mother of a GLP and a speech-language pathologist. Raeann shared that this program has truly opened her eyes to a more authentic way to support gestalt language processors and she has found the program to be beyond her expectations! Thanks for being here, Raeann :)

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

Speech-Language Pathologist:

My approach has changed from this course as I am much more confident in my ability to tune in to my students, to meet them where they are, and to engage in communication partnership. I feel more confident in the types of language models I am providing and I feel validation knowing it's good to also take a step back and allow time and space (and silence!!) in interactions. I also feel much more confident talking with parents about their GLP and how to support their communication development at home, without being bogged down by tons of SLP jargon.

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

This is the best gestalt program I’ve taken. It is the perfect combination of theory and practical information. I left every session with more understanding, feeling more confident about knowing where to start and ready to do it thanks to the resources provided. I have taken a couple of courses on this and I always walked out with a lot of info but feeling confused and lost about where to start. Not with this program! It made a difference in my life and I know it will do the same for so many other SLPs and families.”

— Amy T., Speech-Language Pathologist

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

Meet Emily

As a special educator and the mother of a GLP, Emily also brings a unique perspective to the program. Emily values the program for the amazing progress she’s been able to achieve with her child as well as the strategies she can deliver within her professional journey as a teacher. I am so proud of you, Emily!

Click here to learn more about The GLP Program!

“The workbooks are IMMACULATE. Reading that alongside the video was helpful to have the visual along with listening. Everything was so clear. Nicole is also easy to relate to, and funny! Which helps :)”

—Mom of a GLP

You're approach is innovative, flexible, open-minded, positive, optimistic, accepting and super effective. Again, I cannot thank you enough - ever.

--Mom of a GLP

I would highly recommend this program for students, speech pathologists new to profession and even more established speech pathologists who have limited knowledge on GLP. Gestalt Processing is not something that is taught or talked about in depth in at University. I wish this was available to me when I was trying to figure what Gestalt Language processing was and how to support GLP children on my caseload. It is presented in a way that is easy to understand and really focuses on establishing communication connection.

—Speech-Language Pathologist

Are you ready for a communication transformation?

Click here to learn more about The Great Language Partner Program!