We believe in the limitless potential of all kids.

Meet Nicole

Founder of The GLP Program

Hi-I’m Nicole! I’ve been a speech therapist for a decade and while I’ve always loved my work, I feel becoming a mom has made me an even better clinician in so many ways. With two babies at home, I know the challenges parents and caregivers face on a daily basis when it comes to making endless decisions and hoping they’re right.

I created The Great Language Partner Program to take some of this stress and worry off of your plate so that you can spend your time and energy connecting with your autistic child using the strategies that I’ve learned and perfected over the past ten years!

I’m so happy you’re here :)

We are here for YOU!

Saving you time & energy

Gone are the days of endlessly scouring the internet trying to figure out how to best support your child’s communication development. Your child is unique and will need a responsive approach to communication development. Let us guide you!

Buiding your confidence

Our programs aim to empower all parents, caregivers, and professionals to be their child’s best communication partner. Every time you learn with us, you will get a bit more confident in your own innate abilities to support your child’s communication!

Doing right by your child

When you become a Great Language Partner, your child will thank you. We are so proud to report that countless families have noticed not only immediate but ongoing progress in their child’s communication after working with us!