On a mission to bring JOY to your autistic child’s communication journey

Imagine knowing exactly how to help your autistic child or student communicate their wants, needs, and ideas.

If that sounds too good to be true, we promise- it’s not!

We’re on a mission to bring joy to your autistic child’s communication journey by empowering you to be their Greatest Language Partner.

We believe that many (if not most) autistic individuals are “gestalt language processors,” meaning they acquire and learn to communicate first with echolalia (repeating the words of others). Having a communication partner that understands gestalt language processing makes ALL the difference.

The GLP Program will transform the way you understand & communicate with your gestalt language processor

Listen Purposefully

Learn how to tune in to your child to discover their intrinsic motivations, interests, and communicative intentions.

Respond Intuitively

Learn how to respond to all communication attempts so that your child feels honored and understood.

Take Action

Curated and comprehensive collection of practical tips, proven techniques, and effective strategies to transform your interactions with your child.


Feel empowered in your role as a Great Language Partner to your autistic child.

Join The Great Language Partner Program

Choose the offer that works best for you!

Enroll in the self-paced course for parents & professionals

It’s more than a course…it’s a learning experience that you do not want to miss!

Take our FREE GLP Workshop

Learn all about our OFFER Method for modeling language for your autistic child / gestalt language processor.

Schedule a one on one coaching call with our team!

We’ll spend an hour together discussing your child or student’s unique needs as related to their language development.

Want to learn our favorite ways to support your child’s communication? Check out our blog, written by our speech-language pathologists & guest experts.

What our members are saying…

"This is the best Gestalt program I’ve taken. It is the perfect combination of theory and practical information. I appreciate the workbook and the bonus content so much.

I left every session with more understanding, feeling more confident about knowing where to start and ready to do it thanks to the resources provided. I can’t thank you enough for this!

I have taken a couple of courses on this and I always walked out with a lot of info but feeling confused and lost about where to start. Not with this program!

It made a difference in my life and I know it will do the same for so many other SLPs and families.”

—Amy T.
Speech-Language Pathologist

“I love this course and how I can take this information and start implementing it with my son immediately. It’s simple to understand and the homework is there to help guide my interactions. I love the presentation style, anecdotal stories, video clip examples, and naturalistic strategies. This program is a must for anyone who's looking to build better connection through functional communication strategies."

—Laura G.
Mom of GLP

“This story gave me chills. It is so exciting to see this truly child-centered, respectful, collaborative, CONNECTED interaction style be so easily digestible and accessible through your content - both in these (incredible!!!) modules of learning as well as the presence you've created on social media.

I am so thankful to get to learn more through your course and in the community of like-minded parents and professionals you've cultivated here.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for putting this course together! As an SLP and a mama of a GLP, I've learned so many new strategies and felt a lot of validation for things I've been intuitively doing but didn't really know why! -

—Raeann M.
Speech-Language Pathologist & Mom of GLP

We have helped countless autistic children progress from echolalia to self-generated language.

Are you ready for a

communication transformation?

This experience will change your life!